My Erdös number is 3: A. Gallais / I. Stojmenovic / P. Valtr / P. Erdös
Numerous other websites propose a (more or less) up-to-date publication list:
- N. Mitton, M. Erol-Kantarci, A. Gallais, S. Papavassiliou, Proceedings of Ad Hoc Networks - 7th International Conference, AdHocHets 2015, San Remo, Italy, September 1-2, 2015, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering 155, Springer 2015, ISBN 978-3-319-25066-3.
- N. Mitton, A. Gallais, M. Erol-Kantarci, S. Papavassiliou, Proceedings of Ad Hoc Networks - 6th International ICST Conference, ADHOCNETS 2014, Rhodes, Greece, August 18-19, 2014, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering 140, Springer 2014, ISBN 978-3-319-13328-7.
- S. Cateloin, A. Gallais, S. Marc-Zwecker et J. Montavont, Mini-manuel Réseaux informatiques, Collection: Mini Manuel, Dunod, Février 2012, 192 pages (EAN13 : 9782100555413).
Book chapters
- E. Bout, A. Gallais, V. Loscrí and A. M. Vegni, Energy Saving as a Security Threat in LPWAN and Internet of Things, in Low-Power Wide-Area Networks: Opportunities, Challenges, Risks and Threats. Ismail Butun and Ian F. Akyildiz (eds), Springer, Online ISBN: 978-3-031-32935-7 2023.
- A. Gallais and Y. Imine, Cybersecurity of Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, in Digitalization and Control of Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems. Cardin, O., Derigent, W. and Trensaux, D. (eds), ISTE Ltd, London, and John Wiley & Sons, New York, ISBN: 9-781-78945-085-9, 2022.
- A. Gallais, Area Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks, in Handbook of Ad Hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks: Architectures, Algorithms and Protocols (Bentham Science Publishers), eISBN: 978-1-60805-018-5, 2009.
International journals
- A. Touré, Y. Imine, A. Semnont, T. Delot, A. Gallais, A framework for detecting zero-day exploits in network flows, in Elsevier Computer Networks, 2024.
- A. Haj-Hassan, Y. Imine, A. Gallais and B. Quoitin, Detecting Malicious Proxy Nodes during IoT Network Joining Phase,in Elsevier Computer Networks, vol. 243, 2024.
- Y. Sellami, Y. Imine and A. Gallais, A Verifiable Data Integrity Scheme For Distributed Data Sharing In Fog Computing Architecture, in Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 150, pp 64-77, January 2024.
- A. Marchand, Y. Imine, H. Ouarnoughi, T. Tarridec and A. Gallais, Firmware Integrity Protection: A Survey, in IEEE Access, vol. 11, 2023.
- A. Haj-Hassan, Y. Imine, A. Gallais and B. Quoitin, Consensus-Based Mutual Authentication Scheme for Industrial IoT, in Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks, vol. 145, June 2023.
- E. Bout, V. Loscri and A. Gallais, Evolution of IoT Security: the era of smart attacks, in IEEE Internet of Things Magazine, 2022.
- E. Bout, V. Loscri and A. Gallais, HARPAGON: An energy management framework for attacks in IoT networks, in IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022.
- L. Miller, P. Mérindol, A. Gallais and C. Pelsser, Securing Workflows Using Microservices and Metagraphs, in MDPI Electronics, special issue on Advances in Communications Software and Services, 2021.
- E. Bout, V. Loscri and A. Gallais, How Machine Learning changes the nature of cyberattacks on IoT networks: A survey, to appear in IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 2021.
- E. A. Abdellaoui Alaoui, S. Koumetio Tekouabou and A. Gallais, Efficient Forwarding Strategy in HDRP Protocol based Internet of Things, in Elsevier Computer Communications, 2021.
- G. Z. Papadopoulos, A. Mavromatis, A. Gallais and F. Theoleyre, CoopStor: A Cooperative Reliable and Efficient Data Collection Protocol in Fault and Delay Tolerant Wireless Networks, in Springer Wireless Networks, 2020.
- M. A. Falek, A. Gallais, C. Pelsser, S. Julien, F. Theoleyre. To Re-Route, or not to Re-Route: Impact of Real-Time Re-Routing in Urban Road Networks, in Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations, Taylor & Francis, 2020.
- R. Teles Hermeto, A. Gallais and F. Theoleyre, Experimental in-depth Study of the Dynamics of an Indoor Industrial Low Power Lossy Network, In Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks Vol. 93, October 2019.
- K. Kritsis , G. Papadopoulos , A. Gallais, P. Chatzimisios and F. Theoleyre, A Tutorial on Performance Evaluation and Validation Methodology for Low-Power and Lossy Networks, in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, Vol. 20:3, pp. 1799-1825, thirdquarter 2018.
- R. Teles Hermeto, A. Gallais and F. Theoleyre, Impact of the Initial Preferred Parent Choice in Wireless Industrial Low-Power Networks, In IEEE COMSOC MMTC Communications - Frontiers. pp. 43-46, Vol.12, No.6, November 2017.
- R. Teles Hermeto, A. Gallais and F. Theoleyre, Scheduling for IEEE802.15.4-TSCH and Slow Channel Hopping MAC in Low Power Industrial Wireless Networks: A Survey, In Elsevier Computer Communications, vol. 114, pp. 84-105, December 2017.
- G. Z. Papadopoulos, A. Gallais, G. Schreiner, E. Jou, and T. Noel, Thorough IoT testbed characterization: From proof-of-concept to repeatable experimentations, in Elsevier Computer Networks, vol. 119, pp. 86-101, June 2017.
- G. Z. Papadopoulos, V. Kotsiou, A. Gallais, P. Chatzimisios and T. Noel, Low-Power Neighbor Discovery for Mobility-Aware Wireless Sensor Networks, in Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks, vol. 48, pp. 66-79, September 2016.
- G. Z. Papadopoulos, K. Kritsis, A. Gallais, P. Chatzimisios and T. Noel, Performance Evaluation Methods in Ad-Hoc and Wireless Sensor Networks: A Literature Study, in IEEE Communications Magazine, Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Series, vol. 54, pp. 122-128, January 2016.
- G. Z. Papadopoulos, A. Gallais, T. Noel, V. Kotsiou and P. Chatzimisios, Wireless Medium Access Control under Mobility and Bursty Traffic Assumptions in WSNs, in Springer Mobile Networks and Applications, vol. 20, pp. 649-660, October 2015.
- J. Beaudaux, A. Gallais and T. Noel, Reality-Proof Activity Scheduling for Energy-Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks, in Inderscience International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (SI on Localization, Positioning and Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks). 2014, vol. 15, No. 1/2/3, pp. 185-199.
- J. Beaudaux, A. Gallais and T. Noel, Heterogeneous MAC Duty-Cycling for Energy-Efficient Internet of Things Deployments, in Springer Networking Science (SI on Internet of Things). December 2013, vol. 3:1-4, pp 54-62.
- J. Beaudaux, A. Gallais, J. Montavont, T. Noel, D. Roth and E. Valentin, Thorough Empirical Analysis of X-MAC over a Large Scale Internet of Things Testbed, in IEEE Sensors Journal (SI on Internet of Things (IoT): Architecture, Protocols and Services). September 2013, vol. 14:2, pp. 383-392.
- R. Kuntz, A. Gallais and T. Noel, From Versatility to Auto-Adaptation of the Medium Access Control in Wireless Sensor Networks, Elsevier Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC). pp. 1236–48, 71:9, 2011.
- R. Kuntz, A. Gallais and T. Noel, Medium Access Control Facing the Reality of WSN Deployments, Edit. Note in ACM Computer Communication Review (CCR), 39:3, July 2009.
- A. Gallais, J. Carle, D. Simplot-Ryl and I. Stojmenovic, Localized Sensor Area Coverage with Low Communication Overhead, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC). 5(7):661-672, May 2008.
- A. Gallais and J. Carle, An Adaptive Localized Algorithm for Multiple Sensor Area Coverage, in Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks journal (AHSWN). 3(4):271-288, 2007.
International conferences
- Y. Sellami, Y. Imine, A. Gallais, A Distributed and Collaborative NTRU-based Cryptographic Scheme for Edge-IoT Architecture, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) - Montreal, Canada, June 2025, to appear.
- F. Mecerhed, Y. Imine, A. Gallais, S. Fischer, M. A. Hail, An Efficient Decentralized Fine-grained Access Control for IoT Ecosystems over NDN, in Proc. International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer (SoftCom), 2024.
- A. Touré, Y. Imine, T. Delot, A. Gallais, A. and R. Giraudo, Automated and Improved Detection of Cyber Attacks via an Industrial IDS Probe, to appear in Proc. 38th International Conference on ICT systems security and privacy protection (IFIP SEC) - Poznan, Poland, June 2023.
- Y. Imine, A. Gallais, Y. Challal, An efficient Federated Identity Management Protocol for Heterogeneous Fog computing Architecture, in Proc. The 30th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM) - Split, Croatia, September 2022.
- Y. Sellami, Y. Imine, A. Gallais, An Efficient Data Integrity Verification Scheme For Distributed Fog Computing Architecture, in Proc. The 18th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (IEEE WiMob) - Thessaloniki, Greece, October 2022.
- E. Blanchard, A. Gallais, E. Leblond, D. Sidhoum-Rahal and J. Walter, An analysis of the security and privacy issues of the Neovote online voting system, in Proc. The International Conference for Electronic Voting (E-Vote-ID) - Bregenz, Austria, October 2022. (Best Paper)
- A. Haj-Hassan, Y. Imine, A. Gallais and B. Quoitin, Zero-Touch Mutual Authentication Scheme for 6TiSCH Industrial IoT Networks, in Proc. International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC) - Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 2022.
- J. Dubrulle, B. Quoitin and A. Gallais, Opportunities and limitations of multi-instance RPL, in Proc. IEEE 17th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS) - Cyprus, July 2021.
- L. Miller, P. Mérindol, A. Gallais and C. Pelsser, Towards Secure and Leak-Free Workflows Using Microservice Isolation, in Proc. IEEE 22nd International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR, Short Track Session) - Paris, France, June 2021.
- L. Miller, P. Mérindol, A. Gallais and C. Pelsser, Verification of Cloud Security Policies, in Proc. IEEE 22nd International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR, Short Track Session) - Paris, France, June 2021.
- R. Juaçaba Neto, P. Merindol, A. Gallais and F. Theoleyre, Scalability of LPWAN for Smart City Applications, in Proc. International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC) - Harbin, China, June 2021.
- E. Bout, V. Loscri and A. Gallais, Energy and Distance evaluation for Jamming Attacks in wireless networks, in Proc. IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT) - Prague, Czech Republic, September 2020.
- E. A. Abdellaoui Alaoui, S. Koumetio Tekouabou, A. Gallais and S. Agoujil, DTN Routing Hierarchical Topology for the Internet of Things. in Proc. 11th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT-2020) - Warsaw, Poland, April 2020.
- E. A. Abdellaoui Alaoui, S. Koumetio Tekouabou, A. Gallais and S. Agoujil, Towards a DTN protocol for the Internet of Things, in Proc. Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium (GIIS) - Paris, France, December 2019.
- R. Teles Hermeto, Q. Bramas, A. Gallais and F. Theoleyre, Analysis of the Network Attachment Delay of Mobile Devices in the Industrial Internet of Things, in Proc. International Conference on Ad Hoc Networks and Wireless (AdHoc-Now) - Luxembourg, October 2019.
- R. Teles Hermeto, A. Gallais and F. Theoleyre, Is Link-Layer Anycast Scheduling Relevant for IEEE802.15.4-TSCH Networks?, in Proc. IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN) - Osnabrück, Germany, October 2019.
- A. Gallais, T.-H. Hedli, V. Loscri and N. Mitton, Denial-of-Sleep Attacks against IoT Networks, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT) - Paris, France, April 2019.
- M. A. Falek, C. Pelsser, A. Gallais, S. Julien and F. Theoleyre, Unambiguous, Real-Time and Accurate Map Matching for Multiple Sensing Sources, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob) - Limassol, Cyprus, October 2018.
- R. Teles Hermeto, A. Gallais and F. Theoleyre, On the (over)-Reactions and the Stability of a 6TiSCH Network in an Indoor Environment, in Proc. ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM) - Montreal, Canada, October 2018.
- R. Teles Hermeto, A. Gallais, K. Van Laerhoven and F. Theoleyre, Passive Link Quality Estimation for Accurate and Stable Parent Selection in Dense 6TiSCH Networks, in Proc. ACM International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN) - Madrid, Spain, February 2018.
- G. Z. Papadopoulos, V. Kotsiou, A. Gallais, G. Oikonomou, P. Chatzimisios, T. Tryfonas and T. Noel, A Mobility-Supporting MAC Scheme for Bursty Traffic in IoT and WSNs, in Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) - Washington, DC USA, 2016.
- G. Z. Papadopoulos, A. Gallais, G. Schreiner and T. Noel, Importance of Repeatable Setups for Reproducible Experimental Results in IoT, in Proc. ACM International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Wireless Ad Hoc, Sensor, and Ubiquitous Networks (PE-WASUN), Malta, 2016.
- G. Z. Papadopoulos, N. Pappas, A. Gallais, T. Noel and V. Angelakis, Distributed Adaptive Scheme for Reliable Data Collection in Fault Tolerant WSNs, in Proc. of IEEE 2nd World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), Milan, Italy, 2015.
- G. Z. Papadopoulos, V. Kotsiou, A. Gallais, P. Chatzimisios and T. Noel, Optimizing the Handover Delay in Mobile WSNs, in Proc. of IEEE 2nd World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), Milan, Italy, 2015.
- G. Z. Papadopoulos, A. Gallais, G. Schreiner and T. Noel, Live Adaptations of Low-power MAC Protocols, in Proc. of 7th annual ACM S3 Workshop “Wireless of the Students, by the Students, for the Students” (in conjunction with: ACM MobiCom), Paris, France, 2015.
- G. Z. Papadopoulos, A. Gallais, G. Schreiner and T. Noel, Live Adaptations of Low-power MAC Protocols, in Proc. of 20th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (ACM MobiCom’15, demo session), Paris, France, 2015.
- G. Z. Papadopoulos, J. Beaudaux, A. Gallais, P. Chatzimisios and T. Noel, Toward a Packet Duplication Control for Opportunistic Routing in WSNs, in Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom), Austin, US, 2014, pp. 94–99.
- G. Z. Papadopoulos, A. Gallais, T. Noel, V. Kotsiou and P. Chatzimisios, Enhancing ContikiMAC for Bursty Traffic in Mobile Sensor Networks, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Sensors (Sensors), Valencia, Spain, 2014, pp. 257–260. (Best Paper)
- G. Z. Papadopoulos, J. Beaudaux, A. Gallais and T. Noel, T-AAD: Lightweight Traffic Auto-ADaptations for Low-power MAC Protocols, in Proc. 13th IEEE IFIP Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop (Med-Hoc-Net), Piran, Slovenia, 2014, pp. 79–86. (Best Paper)
- G. Z. Papadopoulos, J. Beaudaux, A. Gallais, T. Noel and G. Schreiner, Adding value to WSN simulation using the IoT-LAB experimental platform, in Proc. IEEE 9th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob), Lyon, France, 2013, pp. 485-490.
- J. Beaudaux, A. Gallais, T. Noel, Localized MAC Duty-Cycling Adaptations for Global Energy-Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks, in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Computer Communications (ISCC), Split, Croatia, 2013, pp. 795–800.
- F. Clad, A. Gallais, P. Mérindol, Energy-Efficient Data Collection in WSN: A Sink-Oriented Dynamic Backbone, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Ottawa, Canada, 2012, pp. 276–280.
- C. Burin des Rosiers, G. Chelius, T. Ducrocq, E. Fleury, A. Fraboulet, A. Gallais, N. Mitton, T. Noel and J. Vandaele, Using SensLAB as a First Class Scientific Tool for Large Scale Wireless Sensor Network Experiments, in Proc. IFIP Networking, Valencia, Spain, 2011.
- J. Beaudaux, A. Gallais, J. Montavont, T. Noel, LIFT: Layer Independent Fault Tolerance Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Networks, in Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Budapest, Hungary, 2011, pp. 1–5.
- C. Burin des Rosiers, G. Chelius, E. Fleury, A. Fraboulet, A. Gallais, N. Mitton and T. Noel, SensLAB: Very Large Scale Open Wireless Sensor Network Testbed, in Proc. 7th International ICST Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities (TRIDENTCOM), Shanghai, China, 2011.
- C. Burin des Rosiers, G. Chelius, T. Ducrocq, E. Fleury, A. Fraboulet, A. Gallais, N. Mitton, T. Noel, E. Valentin and J. Vandaele, Two demos using SensLAB: Very Large Scale Open WSN Testbed, 7th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS, demo session), Barcelona, Spain, 2011.
- R. Kuntz, A. Gallais, T. Noel, Auto-Adaptive MAC for Energy-Efficient Burst Transmissions in Wireless Sensor Networks, in Proc. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Cancun, Mexico, 2011, pp. 233–238.
- J. Beaudaux, A. Gallais and T. Razafindralambo, Multiple Coverage with Controlled Connectivity in Wireless Sensor Networks, in Proc. ACM International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Wireless Ad Hoc, Sensor, and Ubiquitous Networks (PE-WASUN), Bodrum, Turquie, 2010.
- J. Beaudaux, A. Gallais, R. Kuntz, J. Montavont, T. Noel, D. Roth, F. Theoleyre and E. Valentin, CASINO: Creating Alea with a Sensor-based Interactive Network, 8th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (Sensys, demo session), Zurich, Switzerland, 2010.
- P. Mérindol and A. Gallais, Path Diversity in Energy-Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks, in Proc. 20th IEEE Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications Symposium (PIMRC), Tokyo, Japan, 2009, pp. 2280–2284.
- A. Gallais and J. Carle, Performance Evaluation and Enhancement of Surface Coverage Relay Protocol, IFIP Networking, Singapore, 2008, pp. 124–134.
- A. Gallais and J. Carle, An Adaptive Localized Algorithm for Multiple Sensor Area Coverage, in Proc. IEEE 21st International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA), Niagara Falls, Canada, 2007, pp. 525-532.
- A. Gallais, F. Ingelrest, J. Carle and D. Simplot-Ryl, Preserving Area Coverage in Sensor Networks with a Realistic Physical Layer, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM, mini symposium), Anchorage, Alaska, 2007, pp. 2416–2420.
- A. Gallais, H. Parvery, J. Carle, J.-M. Gorce and D. Simplot-Ryl, Efficiency Impairement of Area Coverage Protocols under Physical Layer Conditions, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS), Singapore, 2006, pp. 1–5.
- A. Gallais, J. Carle, D. Simplot-Ryl and I. Stojmenovic, Ensuring K-Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks with Realistic Physical Layers, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Sensors (Sensors), Daegu, Korea, 2006, pp. 880–883.
- A. Gallais, J. Carle, D. Simplot-Ryl and I. Stojmenovic, Localized Sensor Area Coverage with Low Communication Overhead, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing (PerCom), Pisa, Italy, 2006, pp. 327–337.
- J. Carle, A. Gallais and D. Simplot-Ryl, Preserving Area Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks by using Surface Coverage Relay Dominating Sets, in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), Cartagena, Spain, 2005, pp. 347–352.
- J. Carle, A. Gallais, D. Simplot-Ryl and I. Stojmenovic, Localized Sensor Area Coverage with Low Communication Overhead, in 5th Scandinavian Workshop on Wireless Ad-hoc Networks (ADHOC), Stockholm, Sweden, 2005.
National conferences
- L. Miller, P. Mérindol, A. Gallais and C. Pelsser, De l’Utilisation des Métagraphes pour la Vérification de Politiques de Sécurité, in Proc. 23èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications (AlgoTel) - La Rochelle, France, June 2021.
- L. Miller, P. Mérindol, A. Gallais and C. Pelsser, Protection contre les fuites de données : un environnement micro-services sécurisé, in Proc. 6èmes Rencontres Francophones sur la Conception de Protocoles, l’Evaluation de Performance et l’EXpérimentation des Réseaux de Communication (CoRes) - La Rochelle, France, June 2021.
- E. Bout, V. Loscri and A. Gallais, Evaluation de l’énergie et de la distance pour les attaques de brouillage dans les réseaux sans fil, in Proc. 6èmes Rencontres Francophones sur la Conception de Protocoles, l’Evaluation de Performance et l’EXpérimentation des Réseaux de Communication (CoRes) - La Rochelle, France, June 2021.
- M. A. Falek, C. Pelsser, A. Gallais, S. Julien and F. Théoleyre, De l’(in)utilité du temps-réel pour le calcul d’itinéraire dans les réseaux routiers, in Proc. AlgoTel, St Laurent de la Cabrerisse, France, 2019.
- J. Beaudaux, G. Papadopoulos, A. Gallais, T. Noel, Auto-configuration Proactive de la Couche MAC pour les Réseaux de Capteurs Sans Fil à Trafic Variable, in Proc. Ubimob, Nancy, France, June 2013.
- J. Montavont, A. Gallais et T. Noel, De l’Internet mobile à la mobilité dans l’Internet des objets, in Proc. 8èmes journées francophones Mobilité et Ubiquité (Ubimob), Anglet, France, 2012 (invited paper).
- F. Clad, A. Gallais and P. Mérindol, Puits Nomade dans un Réseau de Capteurs : Vers une Collecte Efficace de Données, in Proc. AlgoTel, La Grande Motte, France, 2012.
- A. Gallais and J. Gossa, MANALA: Mate Network Architecture Layer, in 6èmes journées francophones Mobilité et Ubiquité (Ubimob), Lyon, France, 2010.
- A. Gallais and J. Carle, Etude et extension des relais de couverture de surface dans les réseaux de capteurs, in Proc. Colloque Francophone sur l’Ingénierie des Protocoles (CFIP), Les Arcs, France, 2008.
- A. Gallais, J. Carle and D. Simplot-Ryl, La k-couverture de surface dans les réseaux de capteurs, in Proc. AlgoTel, Ile d’Oléron, France, 2007.
- A. Gallais, J. Carle and D. Simplot-Ryl, Study and Improvement of Surface Coverage Relay Protocol with a Realistic Physical Layer, in Workshop Interface Radio pour les réseaux radio Multi-Sauts (IRAMUS), Val Thorens, France, January 2007.
- A. Gallais, F. Ingelrest, J. Carle and D. Simplot-Ryl, Maintien de la couverture de surface dans les réseaux de capteurs avec une couche physique réaliste, in Proc. CFIP, Tozeur, Tunisia, 2006.
- A. Gallais, H. Parvery, J. Carle, J.-M. Gorce and D. Simplot-Ryl, Impact du canal radio sur les protocoles de couverture de surface pour réseaux de capteurs, in Proc. AlgoTel, Trégastel, France, 2006. (Best Student Paper)